Fret not
thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of
iniquity. Trust in the Lord, and do good, so shalt thou dwell
in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed (1,3). The fear of man bringeth a
snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
Yesterday, I provided the entire number of Psalm 37 with
the hope that all who read and would meditate on each verse because each verse
encourages what the Lord will do in protecting His people. The question you may
ask, then why write about it again today? Well, the answer is (a) obeying the
Lord, and (b) to provide further encouraging insights that are designed to help
us through these troublesome times.
That said, let me begin with verse one, which tells us
not to be caught up in what the evildoers and the workers of iniquity are
doing. Why not? Because God is in control and at His appointed time, these
evildoers and workers of corruption will be swept away by the wind like the
husk from corn grain. In other words, these people who are operating on Satan's
orders will cease to exist.
From talking to so many people, this dark cloud of evil
hanging over this country and world is causing anxiety, worry, sleepless nights
that, in many cases, manifest themselves in physical and emotional harm. This
is not good for any of us.
Therefore, I encourage all to (a) give our worries and
anxieties to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to comfort our minds, take away to
worry, and give us His peace that the world cannot understand; neither can the
world give us lasting peace. (b) Take God at His word and give our problems to
Him. He is willing and able to handle every situation (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter
5:7). As my mother would always say, "God is no shorter than His
word" trust Him. Her other saying was, "every road has an end."
We are traveling a road of uncertainty, but "this too shall pass."
Yes, our weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm
30:5). (c) Then ask ourselves why I fear man when he is only going as far as
God is allowing him to go. Remember Job, when Satan had to get permission from
God to inflict harm on Job, and God told Satan what he could and could not do
to Job; well, this is no different. There is a message in this dark cloud of
ramped up evil being played out before our eyes. (d) We are to put our trust in
God, who can take lives and souls. Lastly, (e) there is safety in God, for He
is our true protector (Psalm 91).
Allow me to close by saying we are all God's creation. He
loves us all. It is God who can change the hearts and minds of men. He is our
refuge, our strength, our help, and our deliverer. We are to hate the evil, but
love the person and pray that God touches the evildoers' hearts and minds.
Focus on God and watch Him work.
are welcome.