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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sin and its Depravity Genesis: 18:16-19:29; 19:1, 15-26, 29

 As I was pondering what to write while preparing to teach or Sunday school lesson, "Faith and Doubt" taken from the above chapters of Genesis. Over the past several discussions, I have been talking about the need for a healing of this nation. Sin is the cause that requires this nation to be healed. The Lord placed on my heart to write about sin and its grievousness comparing the sinful conditions during this time in Biblical history to the corrupt conditions today.
Sin was rampant then as it is today. The men during the setting of today's scripture texts preferred other men for their sexual preferences instead of a woman. God sent angels to rescue Lot, his wife and family, and the men of the city tried to break into Lot's house to have sex with the angels. The angels blinded the men so they could not see the door of Lot's house until Lot and his family could escape.
Today homosexuality is prevalent and is moving into high places. Do I hate them no, just speaking to the nature of sin? There was a time when girls had to be protected from rapists, but today it appears as young boys are the preferred target. Rape is a sin regardless of the victim
We see hate and violent crimes of all kinds are on the rise as hate, and violence being promoted from the Whitehouse; this is not who we are as Americans. This question come to mind, has America lost its moral compass? One would think so when we look at the grievous conditions of sin that is occurring in our country today. One has to wonder how we got to this point. Church, we have been silent too long and not calling sin whenever and wherever it occurs. For example, we the church allowed one person to remove prayer from our schools, and when that happened the door for Satan to walk; walk-in he did. Mass shootings are regularly occurring, and schools are no longer safe for our children. Families are being torn apart; even babies are being separated from their mothers; young children are sex trafficked and sexually abused. What happened to the Golden Rule, treat others as you would have them treat you not to mention the commandment of loving others as thyself? Corruption from the very people we elect to serve and protect us with our well-being at heart. Greed is to the point that business owners make billions in profit while the workers are barely earning enough to provide and support his/her family. America, we are better than this? Just as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of its sinful ways, He will do the same for America.
America, turn back to God and be saved from His wrath. He is displaying His anger through nature.
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