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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Believers, Stand On God's Word

1 Peter 1:23-25

…The word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word by the gospel preached unto you.

As a child growing up in the South I often heard my mother say everything were going to pass away, but the one thing that was sure to last forever was God's Word. At the time I didn't realize that her saying was Biblically based as she was teaching me a powerful lesson on the firmness of God's word. The other lesson that my mother taught me was that regardless of my success in life never forget God's Word because it would be the one thing that would carry me through life. She was right.
That being said, the essence of today's topical discussion is what Peter is explaining to his audience as this principle applies today and will forever. Verse 24 reminds us of the frailty of flesh/life that as it is like grass and man's glory is like a flower of the grass and each is short-lived, but true glory is found in God.
These questions come to mind, How do you view God's Word? Do you bend God's Word to conform to your specifications or do you conform to His Word? However we view God's Word we will be judge by His Word.
Believers believe God's Word then stand firm on His Word.
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