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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Healing of a Nation

II Chronicles 7:14

If my people who are called by mane, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

If the question were raised, What does it take to heal our nation? Our scripture verse provides the answer as the conditions are set forth by God Himself. God ask mankind to do four things and He will do three. God has proven Himself to be faithful to His promises.

God ask mankind to do the following:
Humble ourselves. The meaning here is that man must recognize our failures and then show sorrow for our failures and sins with a renewed commitment to God and His Word. By doing so believers will again make God first in his or her life and non-believers will begin to recognize God for who He is. Lastly, the spirit of humility is having the right view of self, others and most of all God.

Pray. What is prayer? Prayer is our communication with God. However, in this scenario man is to cry out to God in despair for His mercy. We must petition God in sincerity, honesty and in complete trust knowing that God hears and is faithful to answer as promised. Lastly, our prayers must align with the Will of God as it is His desire to be in fellowship with man and to be our God.
Seek my (God's) face. How must man seek the face of God? Man, God's people must read and study His Word daily with an open heart to hear and obey His Word. Also, man must have a heart-felt desire to be in the presence of God and live according to His Will and ways.

Turn from their (our) wicked ways. True repentance is required. This is turning from sin and all forms of idolatry. Man must avoid conforming to the world's standards as only God's standards are what man will be judged.

Let's segway to God promises--He promised to hear, forgive and heal. With that being said, the question now becomes, What is God saying?
God will hear. What God is saying here is that He will turn away His anger as He will have heard the desperate cry of His people. Remember Israel's cry while in bondage in Egypt. God moved with compassion and sent Moses to lead them out of bondage. The lesson to be learned is that when God delivers us (man) we must not forget His deliverance and remain committed to Him.

God will forgive. What does this mean? It means that God will cleanse us from our sins and restore His favor. His presence will return to us (mankind). We will once again find peace in Him and His truth, righteousness and power will once again reign among His people. In a word, turmoil and strife will no longer be the order of the day.

God will heal our land. In the healing process God will rain down His favor both physically and spiritually through the Holy Spirit. Even those who are spiritually lost will see God's favor and say "there is a God." O What favor! God said in His word that He would pour you (mankind) out blessings that there would not be room enough to receive (Malachi 3:10). I want His blessing what about you?

How do we heal our land? II Chronicles 7:14 has the answer. Let's continue in prayer and do what God asks, and then we will see a change--a restoration and revival.
Comments are welcome.

1 comment:

Russell Earl Kelly said...

How can placaing New Covenant Christians under the Old Covenant curse for not tithing be an Uplifting Insight?
