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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Doing things God’s way

Exodus 20: 2-17

Let’s begin this week’s discussion by looking at the Personhood of humans; from this we will note that mankind is the highest and most complex of God’s creation. Genesis 1:26-27 states that God created man in His image and likeness. Because Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God they were able to experience and respond to God’s fellowship, His love, and holiness. Therefore, they possessed a moral likeness to God with hearts capable of loving and wanting to do what was right. This means man possess’ a mind, spirit and a soul; thus authenticating man in the likeness of God as a triunity (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 4:12). From this picture, we see complete harmony between God and man; something happened. Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command by eating the forbidden fruit (tree of knowledge). Their disobedience caused sin to enter the world and the whole human race. Even though sin entered the human race and caused a separation from God, the soul of man remains indestructible and survives death to live in heaven with Him or eternally separated from God. However, scripture does insists that God made humanity stewards over our bodies and we are required to keep them free from immorality and evil (Romans 6:6,12-13; 1 Corinthians 6:13-20; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4), as it is God’s Will for our bodies be dedicated for service to Him (Romans 6:13; 12:1).

With this being said, what are God’s standards on sexual morality? Let’s explore God’s standards on the issue, using King James Bible and its commentary to highlight God’s standards as follows:
· Believers are called in Christ to be morally and sexually pure (2 Corinthians 11:2; Titus 2:5; 1 Peter 3:2), meaning free from all that is tainted with lewdness. It further suggests refraining from all acts and thoughts that incite desires not in accordance with one’s virginity before marriage or one’s marriage covenant after marriage.
· Sexual intimacy is reserved for the marriage relationship and is approved and blessed by God (Genesis 2:24; Solomon 2:7; 4:7). In the marriage relationship the wife and husband becomes one flesh according to God’s Will.
· God established the institution of marriage in the Garden of Eden as a covenant of love (Genesis 2:21-24; Ephesians 5:22-33) as He intended marriages to be monogamous, a lifelong relationship and commitment between one husband and wife (Matthew 19:5-9). However, in the context of marriage, God commanded the human race “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28; 9:7), this were to be done in the context of a godly family (between man and woman). God considers a godly family and raising children top priority.
· Adultery, sexual intercourse before marriage, forbidden sensual activity, homosexuality and degrading passions are considered grave sins in God’s sight and they are transgressions of God’s moral law (Exodus 20:14). Such acts are considered as defiling the marriage relationship; not only are they condemned in scripture (Proverbs 5:3), but it places one outside God’s kingdom (Roman 1:24-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:9-21).
· Sexual activity with persons of the same sex is an abomination to the Lord (Leviticus 18:22-23; 20:13; Genesis 19:5 note) as this act is repugnant to God (Romans 1:27). Please note that any nation that justifies homosexuality or lesbianism as an acceptable lifestyle is in an advance stage of moral corruption (Genesis 19:4-9; Leviticus 20:13; Deuteronomy 23;17; 1 Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; Isaiah 3:9; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:10; 2 Peter 2:6; Jude 7).
· Sexual impurity includes not only forbidden intercourse or consummated acts, but also involves any act of sexual gratification with another person other than one’s marriage partner, achieved by uncovering or exploring the nakedness of that person. Contemporary teachings on sexual intimacy among “committed” or unmarried youth and adults is acceptable as long as it stops short of full sexual union, but these teachings are contrary to God’s holiness and Biblical standards of purity.
· Believers are obligated to exercise self-control with reference to all sexual matters before marriage. In other word, to justify premarital intimacy in the name of Christ merely on the grounds of a real or felt love for another blatantly compromises God’s holy standards with the world’s impure ways and justifies immorality.
· One final note on sexual misconduct is the Bible references several terms associated with sexual immorality, given the breadth of its evil and those terms are: (a) Sexual immorality, which describes a wide variety of sexual activities outside of marriage, (b) Debauchery, or sensuality, which is the absence of clear moral principles. (c) Exploiting or taking advantage of another person. (d) Lust which is having a sexual desire and if fulfilled would be in violation of God’s law and the other person’s purity.

Since we have held this lengthy discussion regarding God’s standards on sexual morality and immorality, let’s see the results of society’s free wheeling sexual activities and diminished moral conduct. For one there is an increase in sexual transmitted diseases, increased teen pregnancies, which causes a strain on the family, and our government. Also, abortions increases because of unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. What does scripture say about abortions? God in His divine wisdom thought to protect those who are least able to protect themselves, the unborn child (Exodus 21:22-25; Isaiah 44:2; Ecclesiastes 11:5, 9). God made provisions for every circumstance that may arise from and unplanned or wanted pregnancy. If this unborn life is terminated it is in violation of God’s moral law as recorded in Exodus 20:13, as life begins with conception. Furthermore, God holds all of us accountable for our sinful actions.

In closing this discussion, allow me to say our government is spending millions of dollars in an effort to combat the increased number of teen pregnancies among the 12-18 age groups and those organizations that incorporate the family is witnessing some success. What does this say for the family structure? The family is an important and God established institution, so is marriages between a man and woman and until those principles are upheld we will continue to witness the moral decline in our society. Therefore, to right society’s moral ship we must do things God’s way; according to His moral Laws—the Ten Commandmnets.

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