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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chosen Vessels Of God

Acts 9:15

...The Lord said unto him, Go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.

The setting for today's text is Paul conversion while on his mission of persecuting the Christians. God had already chosen Paul to be His vessel to carry the gospel message to the world. This speaks to God having the final say on our lives to fulfill His purpose of spreading the gospel message of Christ.
Paul being a chosen vessel of God, he accomplished great things in the name of the Lord; so will you and I.
Being the elect called by God, He has a mission and a purpose for all of our lives and as we willingly submit to the call God is pleased and is with you every step of the way through His Spirit. Remember Paul and Silas while in prison and how God delivered them and in the process the jailer and his household were saved. There are other instances where God's presence is with His chosen vessels. He will do the same for you and me today; because He never changes.
It is noteworthy to say, being a chosen vessel of God we may have to suffer sometimes, but fear not God is with us. Christ suffered much for our sake; why not suffer for His sake in carrying the salvation message to lost souls of the world.
Christ is the message and believers are the chosen vessels chosen to carry that message.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dwell Together In Unity

Today's message taken from my monthly devotional "Heavenly Bread" September 2014 Edition): Paperback - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1501029592 Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NQGJ21S

"Dwell Together In Unity"
Psalm 133:1

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

The writer of this psalm is posing a question regarding believers living together in unity and in doing so we as believers emulate the unity of the Godhead. This can be achieved by believers yielding control to the indwelling Holy Spirit who is God. Dwelling together expresses love for self, God and one another and bring into focus John 17 where Jesus prayed that His followers would be established in love, in holiness and unity.
Another school of thought is that in the Godhead there is complete unity and harmony and this is expressed in God's work in the lives of humanity. Let's look at the Godhead, God the Father gave the Son and the Son gave His life redeeming man back to God. God the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer as our guide, teacher and protector while here on earth. There is complete harmony in the Godhead and this same harmony should exist among believers regardless of whom or where the believer may be.
There is a phrase that asks can two walk together unless they agree; the answer is no because it represents disharmony. When the church came together and prayed for Peter while he was in prison the church was on one accord just as it was on the Day of Pentecost. What this says is that when believers come together in unity then the Spirit of God will be in the midst.
There is unity in the Godhead and among the brethren.
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Faith Walk With Christ

2 Corinthians 5:7

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Our scripture text makes a profound statement regarding our faith while on this Christian journey, because without faith it impossible to please God. This is because first, we must believe there is a God who created everything and He exits as three persons in one. Second, we must believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son who came to earth as human to pay man's sin-debt to restore a broken relationship cause by sin. Third, our faith causes all believers to believe that yes Christ rose on the third day as promised and is now seated at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us. Forth, it takes faith to believe that all believers are now sons and daughters of God and are members of His holy nation of priests set aside to do His will. Fifth, it takes faith that just as Christ came the first time to pay man's sin-debt He is coming back again for His church and all believers will reign with Him forever. Who are Christ's church-all believers? Sixth, it takes faith to believe there is a heaven and a hell and being out of Christ leads to spending eternity in hell, which is being eternally separated from God our creator and sustainer.
 A faith walk requires all believers to see things with our spiritual eyes as though we see them with our natural eyes.
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Friday, September 12, 2014

"Dwell Together In Unity"

Psalm 133:1

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

The writer of this psalm is posing a question regarding believers living together in unity and in doing so we as believers emulate the unity of the Godhead. This can be achieved by believers yielding control to the indwelling Holy Spirit who is God. Dwelling together expresses love for self, God and one another and bring into focus John 17 where Jesus prayed for His followers would be established in love, in holiness and unity.
Another school of thought is that the Godhead there is complete unity and harmony and this is expressed in God's work in the lives of humanity. Let's look at the Godhead, God the Father gave the Son and the Son gave His life redeeming man back to God. God the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer as our guide, teacher and protector while here on earth. There is complete harmony in the Godhead and this same harmony should exist among believers regardless of whom or where the believer may be.
There is a phrase that asks can two walk together unless they agree; the answer is no because it represents disharmony. When the church came together and prayed for Peter while he was in prison the church was on one accord just as it was on the Day of Pentecost. What this all says is that when believers come together in unity then the Spirit of God will be in the midst.
There is unity in the Godhead and among the brethren.
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Monday, September 8, 2014

He Is Faithful

Psalm 119:90

Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.

This month's focus discussions are centered on the theme "A Walk with God"; therefore, today's focus discussion is answering an implied question of why should we walk with God?
Let us reflect on the faithfulness of God in keeping His promises; first, He promised the nation of Israel a deliver to deliver them from the oppression of Pharaoh. He provided for the nation of Israel as they spent 40 years in the wilderness serving as a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night to light their way (Exodus 13:31). The Israelites shoes lasted their entire journey in the wilderness; Nobody but God.
 Second, He promised to be their God and He was even though Israel requested an earthly king like the other nations. He remained true to His nature-love and continued loving and caring for Israel and all believers.
Third, God the Father promised a Savior and Jesus Christ came, suffered, bled, died and rose Sunday morning providing salvation to all who believe. God's spiritual invitation remains open so that all generations have an opportunity to be saved.
Fourth, He promised to provide for all our needs (Philippians 4:19) and He does. Fifth, God promises eternal life to all who believe in His Son Jesus Christ; another promise made and kept.
 God is faithful to all His promises, then why not walk with a faithful God?
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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Presenting Dr. Willie White: Dr. Willie White is spotlighted by PnPAuthors Prom...

Presenting Dr. Willie White: Dr. Willie White is spotlighted by PnPAuthors Prom...: PnPAuthors Promotions http://pnpauthorspattimariandpeter.ning.com/?xgi=4PBOwIJg1TDMx7   ___________________________________________...

A Restorer Of A Broken Fellowship

Isaiah 58:12

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places; thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shall be called, The repairer of the breach; The Restorer of paths to dwell in.

Isaiah looked far into the future to foretell of Jesus Christ and depicting Him as the Restorer of the breach that sin caused.
Restoration was necessary because man was out of fellowship with God our Creator. Man was created to be in fellowship with God and when that fellowship was broken before man and God could be reunited in a harmonious relationship that existed before sin entered the divide had to be restored. The perfect repairer was Christ Himself who is God in the second person and being God He met all that was required by God the Father to repair the breach-spiritual divide.
Our scripture text also bring into focus the phrase "can these bones live" which refers to the destructive nature brought on by sin. The nation of Israel had become so sinful until God looked upon the entire nation as a valley of dry bones. The sinful conditions of our world today can be viewed as a valley of dry bones and yes they can live with the preaching of God's Word.
Preaching the gospel of Christ and His atoning works to lost souls of this world they too will come to Christ as they realize that life in Christ is greater than life without Christ.
As lost souls come to Christ another broken fellowship restored.
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