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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Follow Jesus

John 1: 43-51

If anyone should ask why should I follow Jesus? The answer(s) should flow like this; He is God’s Son who was slain form the foundation of the world. Jesus is the promised messiah who was prophesied by the Old Testament prophets that God the Father would send a savior to save His people. Jesus came into the world to save mankind. Jesus is the savor of the world (John 3:16).
Another school of thought on Jesus being the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world; begs the question of when did His existence begin? Christ was preexistent “with God” before the creation of the world and “all things were created by Him both invisible and visible” (Colossians 1:15-16).

Reflect back we me during the time when Israel was being delivered from Egypt and the death angel past over the door post where there was blood painted; whose blood was being represented here, it was Jesus’ blood.

Another reason to follow Jesus is He died for the sins of the world. Jesus entered this world in human form through the gateway of humanity by way of a virgin birth after having existed form eternity but in eternal fellowship with His Father. Christ was divine in nature and essence as His Father. Christ’s sole purpose for coming to earth was to reconcile man back to God; therefore His death was required on Calvary’s cross. This was done out of love. What love?
What love? John 3:16 tells of God love for humanity and the results of that love as well as what mankind will have if we accept God’s love gift; that gift is salvation. The beauty of God’s gift is it requires no certain status, or pedigree; just as you are. He will make the necessary adjustments with the aid of the Holy Spirit who lives in each believer.

How do I receive this free gift? Accept Jesus as your personal savior, “confess with you mouth, and believe with your heart you shall be save”; this is according to scripture.

The question may arise where can we as modern day believers follow Jesus? To answer the question, we must look at Jesus’ great commission recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 where He wants believers to go into all parts of the world teaching and baptizing others and that He would be with them. Keep in mind that Jesus is no longer with believers physically but He left His word and example for us to live by. From our scripture text when Jesus called His disciples to follow Him was during His earthly ministry; He wants believers to follow Him and witness to others in making disciples.

When are believers to witness and follow Jesus? Believers are to witness and follow Christ at all times because this is an on-going process. Why because believers are light to a sin darken world. Another school of thought, if we are to persevere, then believers are to remain steadfast in following Jesus so the world will see Christ in you.

Finally, think about this, on His way to Calvary, if Jesus would have told His Father, this is too hard; I cannot do this, let man die for himself. We would have no hope of salvation. Aren’t you glad Jesus remained steadfast to His mission and went to Calvary and hung on the cross in our place? Can you follow Jesus? He is our perfect example. He is with you all the way. Have you decided to follow Jesus? He is worthy to be followed.

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